Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Twitter: Photos and links fail to tell character limit – Daily News – Lisbon

social network can make the change within two weeks. Goal is to increase interaction and attract new users

Twitter, known for character limit, may be preparing for one of the biggest changes ever, cutting links and photographs of count toward this limit. Currently these include 23:24 characters, respectively, for the message limit.

The information was provided by Bloomberg, pointing a period of two weeks for its implementation. Officially there has been no confirmation, but no structure Twitter denied the information.

This will be a step in a strategy that the social network has been following to give more flexibility to its users. The CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey had announced in January that the company was looking for new ways to display the text on Twitter, and they would experiment based on the way people already lining the character limit. For example, some people take photos of larger texts and publish or who make several tweets followed as part of the same text.

In January, it has also been possible to write up to 10,000 characters in private messages between users . Freeing the photos, videos and links the character limit could increase interaction in the social network, since the tweet with these elements create more retweets.

The limit for messages came so that they could fit in a message text, since it was the most common way to send tweets when the network was established in 2006, before the massification of smartphones.


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