Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Google wants to end the passwords on Android earlier this year – Pplware

For most users passwords are an obstacle to the use of Internet services. Ignoring security issues, rather not have this obligation to enter them whenever you want to use these services.

you may be about to get this done preparing for later this year, eliminating the Android to need to use passwords.

passwords Google

it was during the I / O last year that Google had another of their research projects, this time dedicated to the eradication of passwords. Abacus project wanted to end the traditional authentication mechanisms and instead use information about users to authorize access.

The principles underlying the Abacus project would make use of the location, writing patterns and voice of users to create a degree of trust and determine whether access should be guaranteed.

This approach made use of all the information that Android could provide to create these confidence levels. But Abacus has grown and this year may already be in the hands of developers so you can start to use.

 Passwords API

Trust API and the end of Passwords

During the I / O this year, Google has shown that the Abacus came from the hands of ATAP (Advanced Technology and Projects) and won their own space to grow and become the Trust API, already functional and even use in some applications.

the next step of the Trust API will be made available to various financial institutions so they can test their safety, and their availability made later to other application developers.

Google hopes to create a secure mechanism so that they can eliminate the dependence on passwords and thus ensure greater security .

Android has already, in its latest version, a similar mechanism that already works quite reliably, without the use of passwords, pins or unlock standards.

Smart Lock provides users with management access to its easy way of equipment without requiring any authentication. Through the presence of Bluetooth devices, facial recognition or how the phone is used Android can sense whether or not to be unlocked.

The new Google API could be the first step towards the creation of forms authentication without using passwords, something long awaited and often request.



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