Saturday, May 21, 2016

TVI ordered to pay 459 euros for news of Banif – Daily News – Lisbon

ERC considers Queluz station “not listened Banif” or other stakeholders for information about bank’s closing

the Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC) condemned TVI to pay 459 euros because of the news about the closure of Banif. According to the Economic, quoting the document, payment of the fee for the administrative burden, for it is a “conviction”, corresponds to 4.5 units of account (a monetary amount defined in the regulation of court fees, currently set at 102 euros).

according to the entity chaired by Charlemagne (the DN tried to contact), the Low Queluz station infringed the Journalist Statute and the profession of the Code of Conduct when publishing news on the closure (and subsequent resolution of Banif) on the night of December 13, which was earlier he was “all set for the closure of the bank” and that depositors would lose money. Information over the next few minutes was being corrected. And lightened.

The ERC believes that TVI “not listened Banif, nor apparently other interested parties in time prior to the dissemination of the identified information,” adding that this omission constitutes a “breach of duty of auscultation preview of the parties with justifiable interest in the reported matter, as provided for in Article 14, paragraph 1, point e) of the Journalist Statute, and paragraph 1 of the Code of Ethics “.

But the regulator does not stop there. And it notes that TVI has omitted references to the sources of news broadcast on Sunday at the foot during the National Championship program and then also the 25th time (except for the mention of a last-minute statement from the Ministry of Finance, in the final stretch of this issue).

According the Economic, the organization led by Charlemagne notes that the information provided in footnotes without “there full assurance regarding the reliability of the elements then successively released and rectified” during the “National Championship” is a “questionable editorial decision in the light of the most elementary good journalistic practices.”

“the news story was provided with relevant public and journalistic and subject interest, moreover, cause considerable impact the lives of many people and the destinations of Portuguese society itself, so also for that reason, justified particularly careful in confirming the veracity of that information and its subsequent disclosure, “continues the ERC in the deliberations.

 The decision is also based on the fact that there was no particular care in the language used, that is, to make it accessible to the average TVI viewers.

Now, and imposition of the ERC, the station has Sérgio Figueiredo as director of information – who was this week in the parliamentary committee of inquiry into the management, resolution and sale of the bank and that the DN tried also contact – will have to display and read the text of the resolution “the news service most watched service programs TVI 24 “and keep it visible on the same channel site in the economy section, for more than 72 hours.

on the other hand, the ERC also referred the decision to the Committee on Journalist Professional portfolio for “the effects taken by convenient.” It is, moreover, the CCPJ that is empowered to apply other offenses.


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