Monday, May 23, 2016

Cheap tickets Cinema Festival called least 30 thousand more than in 2015 – publico





The 2nd edition of the Film Festival, which last week promoted 94,000 seats in 500 halls across the country with tickets at 2.5 euros, this year had 172,000 viewers, announced this Monday! fair organization. In the first edition, in 2015, the event managed to draw 200,000 viewers.

According to the organization, the event, which will return in May 2017, had 172,743 spectators over the three days held -. least 30 thousand more than in 2015 and below the organization’s expectations that the presentation of this second initiative was estimated to reach 250 thousand spectators

Between Monday and Wednesday passed, ie on days 16, 17 and 18 May, the number of spectators at participating rooms has been growing. First 46,912 spectators on Monday, the second day were 53,647 people to the rooms and the last day 67,119 spectators took advantage of the discounted tickets.

The Festival of Cinema is an initiative of the Portuguese Association of Motion Picture Companies with the support of the Cinema and audiovisual Institute (ICA) and distributors of audiovisual content. The organization admits a loss of 14.3% compared to the first edition, but stresses that these three days have tripled the average viewers in the room for the same day this May – still according to the data ICA cited by the organization, other initial days of the week had a higher influx of public this year, coinciding with blockbusters like Batman v Superman or Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Big Adventure .

With 2015 being a year of clear recovery in the Portuguese box office, the ICA president joined the Party of the Cinema to this increase in the number of spectators in the room – “we believe that the Party in 2015 contributed to the reconciliation of the public with cinema, having reversed the trend of recent years of decline viewers in the room, “said Filomena Pereira saws in a statement the organization of the film Festival.

it was particularly Lisbon (63,000), Porto (30 000) and Setubal (close to 19,000), the districts best served by cinema and by adhering rooms to the event, viewers flocked to the Festival of Cinema, with the Guard be the district where fewer people bought cheaper tickets during these three days (894). They see especially Bad Neighbourhood 2 , with Seth Rogen, and Captain America: Civil War and Money Monster , Jodie Foster



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