Sunday, August 24, 2014

The five outstanding objections regarding Doors Steps – Observer

The law of private copying, approved this week by the Council of Ministers, is the latest case of bookings relative to the CDS Steps. But accumulate in Parliament other hot dossiers for the coalition. A sensitive issue is the green taxation, reform presented by the Minister of Environment, Jorge Moreira da Silva. Other developments will have consequences in the gay co-adoption, in which the PS promises to return to the charge with another bill. The more difficult or crucial to the coalition, will be the IRS. Consider a case.

The proposal was approved on Thursday by the Cabinet, and then goes to Parliament, where the CDS has promised to introduce amendments. The centrists are not convinced that we need to go so far in taxation of electronic equipment such as mobile phones and tablets. What was not possible to negotiate within the government – opposed the law Barreto Xavier (PSD), the Culture, Pires de Lima (CDS), Economy – will now be negotiated in Parliament

The working group. for green tax reform presented its proposals on 40 July and, hence, the CDS did know that it is against some increases that can harm economic activity. The vice-president of the parliamentary group of the CDS, Cecilia Meireles, even stated that the proposed green tax should not be “hostile” to economic growth. The CDS fears that the introduction of these areas of environmental taxes harm economic growth in the country as tourism – affected by the possible introduction of a tax on air passengers entering the country – and farming – the new fees on issuers of greenhouse greenhouse.

The CDS abstained from voting on a bill of PSD to endorse the gay co-adoption in early 2014, with harsh criticism of the idea of ​​the Social Democrats. The issue promises to return to this legislative session, once a part of the PS wants to resurrect it through a diploma on parental responsibility to try to resolve the co-adoption.

This will be a great battle of CDS and has already begun behind the scenes, since it has to do with the state budget for 2015, whose preparation has already begun. The delivery of the document will be made until October 15. The centrist understand that, firstly, you need to give a sign of relief taxpayers after leaving the troika and, secondly, consider that the economy will be beneficial to have more disposable income for households. Recent leads the TC and the crisis came in BES become gloomier prospects for next year, with regard to ease of austerity. This is a major dossiers to follow and that can threaten the cohesion of the coalition.

This matter involved several meetings and negotiations between PSD and CDS, in 2011 At the time, managed to introduce a bill to set criminalize illicit enrichment. The CDS has always stressed its concern in finding a solution “without shifting the burden of proof” and “precluding wrongfulness.” Telmo Correia pointed out that his bench “always had some concern from a legal point of view” regarding the criminalization of illicit enrichment, but that was made “an effort” consultation. The statute, however, was leaded by the Constitutional Court, but the PSD always promised it would get a ride to the text and make it feasible for judges Ratton. The CDS, which has never been an enthusiast of this law and has many doubts about a constitutional, had hoped that the PSD would drop the subject. But that’s not what happened. Teresa Leal Coelho, the PSD, already assured the Observer that in September there will be new bill. Ie, new headache for the CDS.

Recently, the process of choosing the commissioner himself showed other differences between Steps and Doors. The Prime Minister chose his Deputy Secretary of State, Carlos Currencies, and never occurred to him to choose someone who belonged to the family of the PSD. The leader of the CDS, however, proposed to him to indicate a socialist, former Foreign Minister Jaime Gama.

In the past, the most severe reservations that the CDS did shake the coalition were reduction TSU paid by companies and privatization of RTP . In the first case, Passos eventually recede, but not just because of reservations Paulo Portas. In the second case, it was different. The leader of the CDS decided to make a public statement to the Express to halt the privatization process that was under way and succeeded. “It will take an effort to recover the sense of commitment that PSD and CDS demonstrated when they negotiated the Government’s program. We’re here for that, “he said in August 2012.

The Red Line Ports TSU regarding pensioners is another story. The CDS began to decline in the spring of 2013, but later came to accept the Special Solidarity Contribution, which is in effect this year.

Pending is still negotiating the eventual coalition for the upcoming parliamentary. The PSD has come to say that they exist only counts in 2015.


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