The National Union of Police Officers (SNOP) warned today to “the climate of dissatisfaction and discouragement” in PSP due to lack of resolution of various problems that begin to affect the “normal course” of who commands the police.
In discontent manifesto released on the day the PSP celebrates 148 years, officials warn “to the fact that the dissatisfaction of climate and demotivation on PSP approaching unsustainable levels, boosted by the lack of resolution perspective of the main problems institution and its professionals. “
According to the union, the current situation” personal affects all races and also begins to affect the morale and the normal exercise of function command and to collide with some of the institutional and ethical values. “
Worried, the union that represents the majority of commanders and directors of PSP believes that should warn to” a situation of emergency internal security, enhanced by a set of attitudes, decisions, omissions and behavior of guardianship. ”
In the document, the officers of the Public Security Police say they “do not recognize expertise to the ministerial team that is leading the process” change the employment status of PSP, considering that there is “a total void in regard to internal security policies in Portugal. ”
“The Government and the tutelage can not abide their behavior and decisions by electoral criteria, founded on the desire to avoid the public outcry of police and comply agenda tried to pass, at all costs, a bad status at the end of term, disregarding the consequences of those decisions for the future of PSP, “reads the manifesto of the officers, which classify the tutelage of” unusual and erratic. “
also criticize the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) of “not listening” and involve “the hierarchy of the PSP, including the national director, the status of the discussion and” many other fundamental processes and structuring of the institution. ”
“This fact is serious, unprecedented and represents an unacceptable disrespect, not only by the national director and the national leadership of the PSP, but for all the police and the institution,” the SNOP, adding that most PSP unions do not know the status of the proposal.
For the SNOP, the statute “was not truly negotiated” and was only discussed a set of measures and procedures of “loose intentions.”
The union disagrees with the progression rules career, salary scale and functional content, emphasizes that it is willing to negotiate the status, but require “a mediator who is knowledgeable of the internal security matters”.
In discontent manifest, the officers of PSP say that the problems affecting the institution are not only related to the statute, but also with the recruitment of more police to fill the actual gaps in the PSP, promotions , uniforms and changing the disciplinary regulations.
Problems, they say, are “to bring the PSP to levels of uncertainty and instability ever seen, which is conceived only for total disability and inertia on the part of the guardianship.”
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