Friday, July 17, 2015

Acquitted company to pay 1440 offenses for not paying … – Daily News – Lisbon

A national transportation company saw extinct in 1440 offenses for alleged failure to pay tolls through the Via Verde, a value that could top eight million and a half euros, today said an attorney of the firm.

The numbers involved in the context of offenses amounted to a maximum of 8,576,170 euros and a minimum of 428,808.50 euros, according to the summary of the dossier provided Lusa, in a case that was settled between the Tax Office and the Via green without recourse to courts and could set a precedent for companies in the same or similar situation.

“It was the own Finance who made the decision,” he told Lusa source of the law office representing the carrier, stressing that the challenge of the process involved the presentation of 1,440 defenses, one for each administrative offense contracted by the company between 2011 and 2013.

The transport company found itself since 2012 in Special Process Revitalization (PER ), an instrument that “changed the Code of Insolvency and Corporate Recovery, afeiçoando it to the economic needs lived in Portugal,” according to a consultation document provided by the General Directorate for Justice Policy under Revitalize Program approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers in February of that year.

“It’s always the concessionaire [Via Verde] that has the last word,” he told Lusa Nuno Oliveira Santos, the law

firm Sá Miranda & amp; Associates, who defended the carrier, clarifying that “only then that the Finance decide accordingly.”


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