Thursday, July 23, 2015

CGTP “is not a party, but takes advantage alongside fighting” for better living conditions – Armenian Carlos – Vision

Lisbon, July 22 (AFP) – The general secretary of the CGTP, Armenian Carlos, said today that the trade union confederation “is not a party, but takes sides alongside the fighting every day for the improvement of their conditions living and working. “

Speaking to between 2,500 to three thousand workers and union leaders who, according to the organization, focused today by the parliament to protest against the labor and social policies of the Government and require a new course for the country, Armenian Carlos told the Lusa agency that it takes a “Portugal of progress and social justice.”

The leader of the CGTP who accompanied the protesters focused on Largo de Santos, following on parade the avenue Don Carlos II to Parliament, also said that in the next elections “we need to give expression to discontent and strength to those who defend our interests.”

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