Universities and polytechnics offer altogether 50,555 vacancies for applicants to higher education for this academic year, 265 less than the places available in 2014. Health and Law remains as areas with more vague.
There are fewer places available for higher education. A total of 50 555 places available in 2015, less 265 compared to 50 820 put up for tender in the academic year 2014-2015. The number of vacancies for access to public higher education has been falling since 2012 and was in 2011 the year with higher educational offer, reaching the 53,500 vacancies in the competition. In total, 56% of jobs (about 28,000) are for courses at the university, while the remaining (more than 22,000) are in polytechnic education.
Right, nursing, medicine and economy top the list courses more locations. Although most courses have kept the number of vacancies, 86 courses have seen their class sizes decrease.
Still, 102 courses have increased the number of vacancies. However, this increase was not enough to keep the number of stable positions 2014 since, it should be added in some cases there extinctions of available courses. In a statement sent to the media, the Directorate General of Higher Education states that the institutions “followed guidelines set by the Ministry of Education and Science, with a view to regulating supply through employment and effective demand”.
In the order guiding attachment places for higher education this year, the government recommended the institutions to increase the number of vacancies in the areas of life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and statistics, computer science and engineering and related technical. However, the top of the table with the largest number of openings breaks record is precisely the area of engineering. Building and construction, area which includes the civil engineering courses, suffered a loss even more pronounced, with a fall of almost 25% in places available.
Engineering is the one that is repeated throughout the list courses available with different areas of expertise that most lost in many places. Electrical engineering, civil engineering, biomedical engineering and computer lose this year between 43% and 25% of the number of places available on each course. A phenomenon that is repeated throughout the different institutions, with less intensity. Aveiro University and the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra are beholder lower the number of seats available in engineering. Of 1048 courses available Textile Engineering at the University of Minho is the course with less places available, and you can get this year only 10 students.
On the other side come the areas that saw an increase in the number of places available . Environmental Health, the School of Health Technology of Lisbon, was the course that had the
Accompanying this rise are the courses Computer Engineering, Biomedical Sciences, Sport, Business Informatics, Biochemistry, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and Biology, as the courses more vacancies opened this year with an increase in each course over 15% compared to 2014.
But the courses more number of vacancies continue to be right, nursing, medicine and management. As in previous years, it is the right course that offers more jobs, with the University of Lisbon and Coimbra to lead the offer with 480 and 334, respectively. Is already nursing at the University of Coimbra your bigger house, the last candidate whose entry score was 13.6 values. In the case of medicine, the institution to accommodate more students in 2015 is the University of Lisbon, which in 2014 had an average higher ticket to 17.52 values.
In addition to the national contest of access, are available 616 vacancies for local competitions organized by the institutions themselves in artistic higher education courses related to the area of music, theater, dance and film.
Applications begin this Monday, July 20, and end on 7 August. The application is made only through the platform installed system at the Directorate General of Higher Education page. The results of this 1st phase of the national contest will be announced on September 7.
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