Wednesday, July 29, 2015

You can now leave a “tutor” to your Facebook account – TVI24

The Contact Legacy or Contact Legacy in Portuguese, is now available in Portugal and elsewhere in Europe. The tool, launched by Facebook in the US in February, allows you to decide what to do with a profile of the social network when you die, including delete it or define a “tutor” to manage the account.

To do this, the user must designate what will be its Contact Legacy , ie the person who will be in charge of managing the account after death. By option available, the largest user of 18 can choose between friends or family members who have Facebook account, who will manage the profile.

To set a “tutor” just add the person concerned in the corresponding option. Access the “<> Settings ” on Facebook and select the “ Security “, then comes the “ Contact Legacy “, here you can choose the “ Account Deletion ” or appoint another Facebook account to manage the page.

The chosen person can schedule a publication in the chronology, meet new friend requests and update your profile photo. However, you can not publish on user or have access to private messages.

Until five months ago, Facebook eliminated to a user account when informed of the death or leaving it intact when it was not alerted of the person’s death.

“So far, when someone died, we offered a basic option of transforming account in a memorial that was visible, but he could not be operated

by anyone. After talking to several people who have suffered the loss of someone, we realize we can do more to help those who mourn and who want to have a say about what happens to your account after death “, announced the Facebook team when it introduced the new option in the US earlier this year.


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