Friday, July 31, 2015

PGR received a letter rogatory to Duarte Lima to be tried for murder in Brazil – Daily News – Lisbon

The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) announced on Friday received the letter rogatory of the Brazilian authorities for the Social Democratic former congressman Duarte Lima is notified to the trial of the murder of Rosalina Ribeiro, occurred in December 2009.

“The request for notification Domingos Duarte Lima, accompanied by craft Federal Public Ministry, dated July 28, 2015, was received by the PGR, by electronic means, on the same date” indicated today the PGR Lusa.

The PGR said that the request for notification will now be “sent to the Central Criminal Instance of Lisbon, to execution.”

Information on submitting the letter rogatory by Brazilian judicial authorities was provided in today’s early hours by “online Sun” and was replicated by the newspaper I which states that Duarte Lima will be notified in the coming days for the trial for the murder of Rosalina Ribeiro, shot dead in December 2009 in Saquarema, on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

Rosalina Ribeiro was a millionaire mate Portuguese Lucio Tome Feteira, who died in 2000, and Lima Duarte was his lawyer in a process in the Brazilian courts related to heritage and which also involved the daughter of Portuguese millionaire.

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