Saturday, July 18, 2015

Woman drowned in the river Sado – Daily News – Lisbon

A woman of 65 years died today drowned in the River Sado, near Santa Margarida do Sado, Ferreira do Alentejo municipality, Beja district, told the Lusa agency sources of fire and GNR.

Source of Fire Volunteer Ferreira do Alentejo indicated that the warning was given about 14:30, after popular seeing a body to float along one of the river, and the death was declared on site by a doctor of medical car emergency and reanimation (VMER), which has been called to the scene.

A woman’s body, according to a source of the GNR, was rescued from the water by firefighters at around 15:40.

The sources of fire and GNR are still unaware of further details related to this case.

For the site were mobilized, according to the District Command Relief Operations (CDOS) Beja, operational and media the corporation of Ferreira do Alentejo fire, the VMER Hospital Alentejo Litoral in Santiago do Cacém, and the GNR.

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