Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Bridge April 25 may have elevator to go up to 70 meters and an exhibition pole – Digital Journal

According says the newspaper Público, the project that is being studied by the Infrastructure Portugal is an elevator that reaches the 70 meters high from the base of the pillar of Alcantara, who has recorded the name of the bridge and which is currently partially covered with advertising.

The public company Infrastructure Portugal is looking for partners for the project, including for investment. There are many contacts made, but the direction of communication considers premature to give details about the project.

According to a source close to the process, the aim is to “create a center of cultural and tourist attraction, where the elevator would be only one element. ”

But the exploitation of the pole and the elevator does not fit the profile of Infrastructure Portugal, which has a focus on the management of road and rail infrastructure, “so it would take partners able to develop and manage this new equipment, a collaboration between several entities, “says the journal.

According to found the newspaper, the new center of the bridge can take part of the free land around the pillar of Alcantara, generous space whose access is currently forbidden, it is by Av. of India, next to the Hotel Vila Gale Opera’s. The documentary and exhibition center, on the ground, tell the story of the monument opened in 1966


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