Monday, July 27, 2015

Windows 10 reaches 190 countries on Wednesday – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

In the tablet, on your phone or computer, Windows 10 comes in 110 different languages. The new Microsoft operating system expects to convert 80% of users with a free upgrade available the first year.

The new Microsoft operating system will hit the market already next Wednesday -Thurs, July 29. The Windows 10 will be available in 190 countries and in 190 languages.

The American technological want so increase the mobility experience of its users, by allowing a system that adapts to all devices, from tablets to phones and laptops.

Upgrading to Windows 10 will be free for one year for those who already have a Windows 7 or higher version. This universe represents 80% of Microsoft users, leading the company to be more confident about the success of the latest addition option.

The operating system was introduced in January this year. At the time, the Business summed up the top ten news.

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