Monday, July 27, 2015

Recurs in domestic violence and return to custody – to the Minute News

According to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), the re-arrest of the accused by domestic violence occurred last July 21, in a procedure conducted by the 7th Section of the Department of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) of Lisbon.

Presented judicial interrogation, the accused was subject, as required by the MP, the arrest of enforcement measures and also prohibiting contact with the victim by any means, given the danger of continued criminal activity, risk of escape and investigation of disturbance.

The same defendant was convicted at an earlier process, domestic violence and aggravated robbery committed against the same victim, to four years and three months of effective imprisonment at first instance Court in Lisbon on Central Criminal Instance (old Criminal Courts), in a decision handed down in November 2014.

The defendant appealed and by judgment of 19 March 2015, the sentence was upheld by the Court of Appeal of Lisbon, but declared suspended on probation for the same period, with probation.

In this process, the accused has been in custody since the day March 26, 2014 up to 19 March 2015, when it was released as a result of decision of the Court of Appeal in Lisbon on suspension of the prison sentence effectively applied in the first instance.

“Released, he returned to the victim’s home, because while incarcerated and yet, the accused often phoned the offended, and you apologized and promised that had changed, convincing her to marry him, which effectively managed, “he reports PGDL.

After the wedding, the accused went on to injure the victim and threaten her, often uttering death threats.

It has now been again remanded in custody and still subject cumulatively with probation , as prohibiting contact with the victim by any means.

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