Thursday, July 23, 2015

NASA revealed planet discovery very similar to Earth – Digital Journal

TODAY at 19:39

With video

The North American Space Agency (NASA) announced this afternoon at conference Press the discovery of a new planet with very similar characteristics to the Earth.

On the planet Kepler 452b a year lasts 385 days. Situated about 1400 years light from ours, this planet is larger than Earth, with about five times the mass and an equator close to 60% higher.

It has the ideal temperature for the existence of liquid water orbiting very similar to our sun star.

The Kepler 452b was discovered within the Kepler mission, which aims is to find planets located in the “habitable zone” of their stars.

On this occasion were presented 11 other planets, but only the Kepler 452b was confirmed as being located in the “habitable zone” of a star of the same category of the sun, NASA said.

However, notes the New York Times, it is not known if this is a rocky or gaseous planet, that is, it does have a surface or not.

The new planet is much more older than Earth, about six billion years (6,000,000,000 years), which is more than enough time in order to have developed life, if it is confirmed that there are conditions to do so.

The presentation on Thursday coincided with the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the first planet outside our solar system orbiting a star similar to our sun.

This discovery, recalls the DN, was made by two scientists from the University of Geneva, Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz, in 1995.

One of the latest discoveries was that of

a solar system with five planets similar to Earth, found by a group led by Portuguese Tiago Campante of the University of Birmingham, UK, adds the publication in the online edition


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