Thursday, July 30, 2015

Court of Auditors detects almost 500 million in IRC to record in 2013 – Daily News – Lisbon

The Court of Auditors has detected nearly 500 million in corporate income tax revenue to account in 2013, mainly related to IRC autonomous regions and municipalities spills due to lack of interconnection between the systems of the Tax Authority.

In an audit report to the control of tax revenue on personal income Collective (IRC) released today, the Court of Auditors has detected 486 million in anomalies in the collection of this tax operations and concluded that “there remains a lack of interconnection of systems Tax Authority (AT) with accounting revenue in the General State Accounts (CGE) “.

” This lack of interconnection has allowed, inter alia [among other things], the applicant did not accounting the revenue from the tax: the autonomous regions (EUR 238 million) and pour the municipalities (EUR 208 million in 2013), a procedure that compromises the transparency of budget management and the accuracy of revenue and expenditure entered in CGE, “he says Court led by Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins.

Despite the “recurring recommendations,” writes the organization, the General Directorate of Budget (DGO) “has not created the conditions for AT show all the tax revenues by limiting the registration of extra-budgetary transactions in the accounting system of revenues in the CGE, not allowing, of course, appropriate registration of revenues to deliver to the autonomous regions and municipalities. “

In view of these conclusions , the Court of Auditors recommends that “AT present

and run a timetabled plan to implement the interconnection of respective own systems to Revenue Management System (which has been successively postponed, despite their legal requirement since January 1, 2001) “.


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