Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hospitals attended 40% of unnecessary emergency room in 2014 – publico






Hospitals National Health Service (NHS) attended last year more than six million emergency. The value has always been rising since 2012, but in 40.8% of cases the patients, after the screening of Manchester, receiving straps green, blue or white – which means that could have been treated elsewhere, such as care primary health.


                         Health centers also treated more people in 2014, but the increase falls short when 1,478,271 users continued later that year without family doctor. The data are part of the Annual Report on Access to Health Care in the NHS Institutions and Entities 2014 agreed , sent to the Parliament and the PUBLIC had access.

The Ministry of Health, in the executive summary, highlights the growing activities of health centers and hospitals also points out that there was “slight increases in the number of outpatient visits, emergency and stabilization of surgical activity”. “The improvements in the NHS that this report documents are even more relevant when we consider the decline in population that there has been in recent years, namely the increase of access and recorded production in the NHS occurred in a context where the resident population decreased 52 479 2 013 residents in 2014, “reads the document.

However, the increased activity is not sufficient to divert patients from emergency rooms to other locations, such as the centers of health. In emergency made 6,168,324 in 2014, only 60% of users received bracelets red, orange and yellow (corresponding to the emergency level that must be considered when solved in a hospital). Still, the false emergency calls dropped from 42% in 2013 to 40.8 in 2014. The data correspond to a year, in the run, was marked by chaos reporting in hospitals before the outbreak of flu. “The evolution of hospital emergency activity is very dependent on the seasonality of infectious respiratory disease outbreaks and heat waves,” acknowledges the report.

Still on emergencies, the report says that the number of contacts to the Health line 24 grew in 2014 and that “over 34% of users were referred to a hospital emergency department, since they are risk situations that required

urgent medical observation.” The data also indicate that “more than 50% of users who called for the Health Line 24 with the intention of addressing the Accident and Emergency Department, were eventually directed to primary health care (31.3%) or self care (24.7%). “

In the field of primary care, the report also refers to 2014. But data before the number about 1.5 million people without family doctor that year at this point the Ministry of Health is keen to point out that the first half of 2015 has already been possible to reduce the amount to close to 1.2 million people. The figures show that there were over 7712 people to use medical consultations in health centers in 2014 compared to 2013 and that 80% of people with family doctor used it in fact.

In total there were over 165 268 consultations than in the previous year, only that this increase was made mainly at the expense of queries without the presence of the patient, which were 101,547 more than in 2013. The house calls, for example, were less about 3000. The greatest increase was in nursing visits, representing over 15.6 million, an increase of one million between the two years.

From the hospital there were also more consultations, with a total of 11.8 million, which is 1.6% more than in the previous year. The climb was achieved more by increasing subsequent queries than the first consultations. In the field of the first queries, the average waiting time for a response to requests has improved slightly but still reaches 115 days. The worst cases are in the Algarve, with an average of 161 days. The Alentejo is the fastest, with 105 days. This difficulty is reflected in the fact that 26% of queries are still made out of maximum response time enrolled in the law. The value exceeds 30% if we look only at the very priority and priority appointments.



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