Thursday, December 19, 2013

Erica Fontes was the most searched on Google in Portugal - Economic

Erica Fontes, House of Secrets, Benfica, Chocolate Cake and Social Security are the most popular.

Throughout 2013, the Portuguese wanted to know who Erica Fontes, saw the House of Secrets, supported Benfica, followed the trends of Zara, Ate Chocolate Cake, heard One Direction and worried with the Social Security . This would be the balance of the year made based on the most searched words on Google. The search engine today unveils its annual list of “Zeitgeist” with a swing of searches of the year in Portugal and globally

Portuguese 2013 edition of Zeitgeist consists of 12 thematic lists -. Searches, Athletes , Music, Celebrities, Groups / Musicians, TV Shows, Movies, Sports Clubs, Destinations, Food and Drink, Fashion Brands and Applications – covering not only the most searched words this year, but also the themes and personalities that grew more in less time in the interests of Portuguese internet, words that

Google identifies as trends.

In the various ‘rankings’ disclosed, the Real Madrid player Cristiano Ronaldo, the presenter Cristina Ferreira, Brazilian surfer Maya Gabeira, the theme Harlem Shake and local elections also occupied prominent positions

Among the brands -. apart from Zara which dominates in the fashion followed by Bershka and La Redoute – stand out Worten (in the consumer area) and Mercedes (for the car).

With regard to television channels podium belongs to the most researched TVI, RTP and Benfica TV. Already in “Game of Thrones” series, “Pretty Little Liars” and “Revenge” were highlighted. Between Apple, Samsung and Microsoft technology were the most popular.

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