The birth rate has fallen in recent four years and increased fetal-neonatal mortality eps in the last two, indicates a comparative study based on the years between 2009 and 2012.
estatstico work, published by the General direction of Sade, almost 200 pages analyzes the evolution of the birth rate and mortality and stresses in particular an increase in fetal mortality (before birth) in 2012 compared with 2011. Neonatal mortality (children under 28 days) remained identically to 2011 but rose in relaoa 2010.
also increase the post-neonatal (children older than 28 days and less than one year) in the same period of comparison, especially in Central and Algarve (excepting the Alentejo
There were fewer fetal deaths in hospitals, but increased in domiclios, indicates the study, in which l: “In 2012 there was an increase in mortality rate that has existed without a difference overall (with any meaning Stats septic) in the respective infant mortality in comparison with the previous year or for 2009. “
“In disponvel information of births in hospitals publics revealed that in 2012 continue to increase low birth weight despite the substantial decrease in the number of births,” says study in which an analysis is recommended to “worrying” increase in late fetal mortality.
In the analysis of the data was less fetal death in North and Lisbon regions but more at the Centro, Alentejo and Algarve. Tambma neonatal mortality declined in 2012 in North and Lisbon regions (relative to 2009) and increased in the remaining regions compared to 2010.
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