Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Crabs can help rebuild skin and bones - Daily News - Lisbon

The biomedical and pharmaceutical industry is interested in exploring recent discoveries of new uses to give pounded crabs, among which, according to an investigation, reconstruction of tissues from compounds extracted from their shells.

Francisco Avelelas student of 23 years of the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea of ??Peniche, argued a week ago research masters, whereby compounds extracted from the shells of crustaceans have antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and even protein.

“can be used in coatings

of implants to increase the time of not rejecting the prosthesis and dressings that with these antibacterial and antifungal activities, allow faster healing of tissues,” explained Lusa biologist.

Moreover, reuse also have the coating of fruits and other products to increase shelf life, the coating of tablets or less harmful to health composition of agricultural pesticides and the environment.

According to the study, can integrate the tablet formulation for weight loss, allowing “the lipids are not absorbed and processed by the body to prevent calories when we have a more caloric diet.”

Despite being caught with other species in fishing gear, pounded the crabs have no economic value for fishing, since they are not consumed.

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