Saturday, December 21, 2013

Start of Winter Starting today the days get longer - the Minute News

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class=”tag”> From today the days get longer

Today is the shortest day of the year. The sunlight can strike only for nine hours and a half, but starting today, date of onset of winter, the days will start to be longer.


Today is the day when the sun’s rays strike the Northern Hemisphere greater slope. The

day we give input in the new season (winter), and which is also called the winter solstice, is the shortest of the year.


not be surprised if the period of sunlight away earlier today than normal, even though it started later. According to the Lisbon Astronomical Observatory, to which the public had access, the sun emerged in Lisbon at 7:51 a.m. and will disappear at 17h19.

From today the days will now become longer, but also colder.

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