are EUR 700 million per year salary supplements paid to public officials, to which are added a further € 368 million of the State Business Sector (ESS) and at least another 18 million to companies that orbit in the sphere of local business sector (SEL on local authorities) and regional business sector (SER).
When the value amounts to EUR 1,086 million, and sins by default. This is because, according to the survey conducted by the General Directorate of Treasury and Finance (DGTF), just based on the information provided by the companies themselves, there were many who did not respond.
omission of data was so total, when companies simply did not respond to the Government, or partially, if not filled the field of the investigation of personnel expenses which related to supplements (remuneration increases, due, for example, the exercise of certain functions).
As one reads the report available on site of DGTF, “not all companies provided this information and, moreover, for a significant group of companies has not provided all of the data Required “. In addition, there were “inaccuracies and inconsistencies, whose validation and correction from the companies has not been possible to achieve given the size of the universe and time available.” The DGTF highlights that there was “a reduced rate of corporate response” to the investigation that led to the report, and that was by 49%.
This indicator falls even more in the case of linked to the regional government of the Azores companies, with a response rate of only 3%. In the case of Madeira rate was 38% and in the local sector, 34%. Even in the case of business entities that are directly dependent on the central government to the response rate was 74% (206 of a universe of 280 entities).
That is, despite all the work conducted at this time the state does not know yet, in its entirety, how do you segment your personnel expenses due to lack of participation in the business world. As highlights DGTF, “given the low response rate in the surveys, a reminder should be made from the companies to complete the removal of this information to be obtained and the explanations are considered necessary.”
Limited Review
The study appears in the scope of Law No. 59/2013 of 23 August which was stipulated to “provide information on salaries, supplements and other remuneration components” of workers public entities, including companies of regional, inter-municipal and corporate sectors as well as its subsidiaries.
For now, the authority of the Ministry of Finance says it will “broaden the base of analysis and deepen” the theme, “targeting analysis by sectors”, with
Anyway, it is concluded that the study related to public business universe “does not allow present reasoned conclusions”, so also is part of the aim of presenting proposals for revision of salary supplements. That is, the intention of starting to cut personnel costs, after data collection (and for that which is not base salary) will not move forward, at least for now.
cuts in the civil service
In the case of the civil service, however, and as the PUBLIC reported on Saturday, the report prepared by the Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment, which realized annual expenditure of € 700 million in supplements paid to state employees (less than 5% of total staff costs, and where does not include the meal allowance, overtime and subsistence), they become several recommendations. Among them is the review of the fundamentals that lead to the award of supplements, limit its award to a percentage of pay and some subject to a means test. The intention is, as advertised, to create a single table of supplements, and that is part of cutting government spending plan. In this case, if you want a cut, previously identified, of EUR 65 million.
exemption time on top Even with
information failures, the DGTF concludes, based on the collected data, personnel expenses in 2012, and having only regard to entities related to the central government, was EUR 3132 million. Of this amount, almost half relate to healthcare.
supplements (excluding meal allowances, bonuses and other benefits) have a weight of 13.4% in value, especially those associated with the work schedule. These cost 149 million to the State in 2012, which equates to about 40% of total paid supplements. Here is the exemption of times that is the most funds (63 million), followed by the payment of night work (which took a cut this year), the week-ends and holidays (which are now less ). Thirdly is the shift allowance, with a budget of EUR 27 million, followed by overtime (12 million in 2012, and currently the law of the 40 hours has already been applied in the public sector).
After working hours, the second most significant category of supplements is that associated to the function, responsible for 119 million euros. In this case, seafarers (where TAP stands out) fit EUR 57 million a year, followed by the health sector, with € 30 million. The item “hatting” has a weight of 9 million euros in the wage bill.
DGTF also notes the existence of “other supplements”, which brings the seniority, worth 84 million per year. Altogether, these three major lines worth 352 million euros (about 95% of the total). The remainder is associated with the payment of travel by employees of the ESS.
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