Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Apple will release iPhone 6 inches in May, says DigiTimes - Telemoveis.com

is not the Apple iPhone 6, but it will be an iPhone with a screen size of 6 inches – who says it’s DigiTimes, which cites an anonymous source with knowledge of Apple’s plans

See also: Nokia goad Apple iPad Air in video advertising the Lumia 2520

Apple plans to have a great 2014, at least in the true literal sense of the term. According to the latest information advanced by DigiTimes, the company now led by Tim Cook will definitely renew its line of iPhones and iPads, albeit in an unconventional way to the trend that has been following in recent years.

It is expected that the next iPhone come as soon as May, and that shows a 6-inch screen, while a new iPad scheduled

for October, will be introduced with a screen of 12.9 inches. An objective of this strategy is to compete with ranges of handsets like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 or HTC One Maxi.

See also : Apple mini iPad 3: prototype image of the upcoming iPad mini displays Touch ID as the iPhone 5S

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Apple will release iPhone 6 inches in May , says DigiTimes

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