Sunday, December 8, 2013

PSP Viana holds trio of suspected drug trafficking using taxi - The Associated Press

PSP Viana do Castelo announced on Friday the arrest of three people for drug trafficking, and seized more than a hundred doses of the drug and a taxi allegedly used to transport cocaine and heroin.


that police said the arrests, implemented at the end of the day Thursday, involving a couple, residing in the historic center of Viana do Castelo, and a taxi driver with square and residing in the same city Ponte de Lima. This would use a taxi for transportation of narcotics needed source of PSP Viana do Castelo District Command.

Those arrested are aged between 46
and 49 years, presenting one of “a long history of arrests for drug trafficking, “although the source said.

The operation was in charge of the Police Criminal Investigation and beyond the vehicle allegedly used in drug trafficking, a hundred doses of cocaine and several dozen doses of heroin, the PSP officers seized two firearms of caliber 6.35 mm, a rifle, ammunition, melee weapons, sticks and a jar of aerosol defense.

were also seized several pieces in gold, watches, objects used in the activities of drug trafficking or receiving, as well as over 3000 euros in cash from the European Central Bank. The three detainees were present during the morning of Friday the Court of Viana do Castelo, for the first judicial interrogation, not knowing the implementation of any measure of coercion.

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