Saturday, December 14, 2013

Video Games: 5 Tips to Avoid cybercriminal - Mad Money

Grand Theft Auto V and Minecraft were some of the games most exploited by cybercriminals in 2013

Grand Theft Auto V black GTA V was one of the most exploited games class=”georgia txt11 i”> DR

14/12/2013 | 16:15 | Mad Money

Only in 2013, the security firm Kaspersky Lab has identified 4.6 million malicious code samples in games and 11.7 million attacks against players. The games Grand Theft Auto V and Minecraft were a few more exploited by cybercriminals in 2013.

“Most players in Europe have attacked the Spaniards (138786 attacks from January to November 2013), followed by Poland (127,509 hits), Italy (75,080) and France (47065).

Kaspersky analysts warn of increased attacks on Christmas, not only because of the new consoles on the market, but also because of the holidays: players spend more time playing at this time


“There are secret forums created by cybercriminals who sell access to game accounts of users such as Steam portal. market The user credentials (login and password) feeds the attacks on gaming companies themselves,” says Kaspersky Lab, who earlier this year found a great campaign of cyber-espionage series online multiplayer games and online games manufacturers who stole the source code and other valuable data. “There are also types of malware targeted at specific games”, as was the case of a false Minecraft tool built with Java, offering the player the possibility to ban entry to other users and actually stole the names and access passwords.

“When the Grand Theft Auto V was released, several sites offering fake downloads to access the game for free. But when users tried to download it, the download that was done was malware.”

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“just been launched the PlayStation 4 and Xbox consoles One And that means there will be more players to which criminals can run, especially because the consoles from Sony and Microsoft are increasingly using the Internet to offer an experience more complete game. But the PC is still the most popular platform game and a favorite of cybercriminals to reach the target gamers, “says Vicente Diaz, senior malware analyst at Kaspersky Lab

How to play

without risk:

1. Do not click on offers that seem too good to be true , even entering directly in the mail box or through social networks. It is necessary to ensure that the offer comes from a legitimate user and the sender is trustworthy before you go to a link and reveal any details.

2. Using strong and varied passwords in game accounts
Some game companies have been attacked and lost data logon of thousands of users. If not different credentials for each access are used, the hacker can access all accounts with relative ease. The management software passwords is a good ally.

3. Be careful who you accept as a friend.
‘s easy to make friends in the virtual world, but not all of these contacts are innocent.
4. Download only titles of legitimate sellers.
If you download an illegal copy of a game, not only violates the law, as is put at risk of malware infection your equipment since hackers often disguise their malware files within the game.

5. Installing a complete security solution and with the latest version.
It remains the best way to detect and block malicious code.


Kaspersky Lab gives advice to prevent cybercriminals, who million in 2013 launched attacks on players

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