Sunday, December 22, 2013

Public companies spend 368 million in supplements - Mad Money

18,531 aviation workers receive € 101 million in salary supplements (over 5000 euros on average

TAP Aviation in extra costs more

22/12/2013 | 00:00 | Mad Money

Public companies spend about € 368 million per year in salary supplements, which corresponds to 13.4% of total personnel expenses. This value is more than half the 700 million the state spends on supplements with public officials. And that part of the public business sector pay above the generality of Public Entities Enterprise (EPE) renderings, where hospitals are included.

According to the report that resulted from the survey of salary supplements in the public business sector, now released, about 40% of the amount spent on supplements was intended to pay extra charges associated working time. To this add up to EUR 118.79 million in payments related to the function;. 16.3 million on travel and EUR 80 million in “other supplements” (including seniority and maturity additions)

Although the value overtime, flexible working hours, night work allowance or on holidays and weekends to be the most relevant in all the supplements, the document reveals that the expenses are related to the exercise of managerial duties and subsidies allocated by “painfulness” of the task that reveal higher unit value per employee. Ie, with supplements of 369 706 workers, about 164.000recebeu them because of the time, while those who receive a salary because of the role they play is around 93 847.

analysis of expenditures by sector allows even check that € 101 million were used to pay supplements to 18,531 workers in air transport. Already 87 612 health workers (including doctors and and nurses here) absorbed 89.2 million, giving an annual average of just over one thousand euros per worker. Following are the transport, which spent € 41 million on supplements and financial and insurance services, with 38.7 million and € 29.8 million respectively.

The study – which chooses not to move forward with proposals, contrary to what has been prepared for the civil service – indicates that most of these supplements (63%) are

paid monthly, either at 12 or 14 months, emerging only exception to this rule as the expenses related to travel, allowances for faults or hazard pay.

The report prepared by the General Directorate of Treasury and Finance also identifies that public companies paid € 37.9 million in premiums during 2012, most of which related to attendance of workers (15.6 million) and performance (19 million).

Regarding the meal allowance, in about two hundred companies that reported information on this allowance it is found that two-thirds of workers assigned a value equivalent to the civil service (4.27 euros daily), which due to the high proportion of workers in hospitals EPE. But in the universe of the ESS count by more than 13,500 people (11% of universes studied) that receives more than 10 euros per day and 25% have a lunch subsidy ranging between 4.27 and 10 euros. All in all, public companies spend about € 16 million per month in this allowance.

Less bulky

is spending on “other perks” that cost per year to 81 million euros and are used to pay pension supplements (€ 21.4 million), insurance (except health, 16.3 million) and vehicles (14.6 million).


Supplements weigh charges in 13.4% of the companies public with pay, according to a study

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