Friday, December 27, 2013

Sony and Panasonic cease to manufacture OLED panels in partnership -

In June 2012, when they announced the agreement, the companies explained they would work together on this technology to reduce production costs and create a range of panels more affordable for manufacturers. The two companies were particularly interested in optimizing the production costs of the ultrathin OLED panels.

The whole work had some success but the strategy of companies since changed and no longer makes sense, although both indicate the possibility of coming to work together again in the future.

The end of the partnership will be associated with the redirection of the efforts of companies to other technologies, which includes the commitment to ultra HD and 4K or a return to other technologies panels such as the LCD,

which remains an alternative much more into account and which is now also able to respond to new challenges, such as the use on curved screens.

OLED technology was one of the stars of the main technological fairs this year, especially early in the year, when it takes place at CES, and the bet has been made by various manufacturers in their most innovative models but the price issue has motivated some setbacks and launching some other technologies supported models .

The 4K ultra HD or is the other big trend of the year – some of the existing models on the market have OLED screens, some do not. In this area, Sony and Panasonic are also very active. Panasonic recently launched incidentally in Portugal its first 4K TV at 60 frames, which was also the first of its kind to be announced in the world.

Written under the new Orthographic Agreement

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