Friday, July 17, 2015

Court gives as evidence that grandfather sexually abused granddaughter. And … – Daily News – Lisbon

Aveiro Court sentenced today to three years in prison, with suspended sentence, a man accused of sexually assaulting his granddaughter, 13, for several months.

The collective of judges as it has been proven that the accused, 68, on a date not precisely determined the year 2013, began to address the minor, who lived at his residence in Anadia, to engage in sexual acts with it.

The abuse occurred until early 2014 in number of times at least ten, in some situations inside the residence and other in-car when he led the smallest for analyzes in a brass band.

In court it was even proven that the defendant kept sexually oriented conversations with the smallest through Facebook social network, marking meetings and offering you sex of full intercourse, something which only failed to materialize, by the smallest have always declined.

The sexagenarian was sentenced to a legal height of three years in prison, suspended for the same period by two child sexual abuse crimes aggravated, one of whom attempted the way.

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