Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Government wants to save 50 million euros with state cars – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

The Portuguese government plans to save € 50 million by 2020 with the new sustainable mobility program in public administration. This program aims to promote the use of electric car, anticipating so the purchase of 1,200 of these vehicles.

The increase in electric mobility will generate a savings of nine million euros within five years, thus reducing the bill with the combustible . But most of the savings – 29 million euros – will come from an overall management of public fleet by sharing vehicles between departments and ministries. The remaining 12 million euros savings will come from promoting more sustainable driving and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

“The Government looked for electric mobility to reduce dependence on foreign energy to reduce CO2 emissions, to improve the competitiveness by reducing costs, but also as an important element, as in renewable energy, in creating economic activity and employment, “said Environment Minister Jorge Moreira da Silva this Wednesday, July 29.

But to achieve these results, the Government needs to invest 41 million euros. The lion’s share of these investments – 25 million – will go to the purchase of 1,200 electric vehicles and more environmentally friendly cars. The objective is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% of the national fleet.

The current 26,900 vehicles of state car park are aged. The average age is around 14 years, with 63% of these to have more than 13 years

The second largest investment share. – EUR 10.5 million – will be invested in fleet management and shared promoting bicycle use in public administration. The remaining three million euros will be invested in promotion and awareness for a more sustainable driving.

To prepare for the introduction of electric mobility in the state machinery, the Ministry of Environment conducted a

demonstration program level ministerial. The initiative lasted 10 months, a total of 69,000 kilometers, with the minister and the three secretaries of state to move in electric vehicles and hybrid electric.

The findings of this study were presented this fourth -Thurs and point out that the average costs of use of electric vehicles are around 0.02 euros per quilómetro.Ou is, this represents a 80% reduction in energy terms from the average of the current fleet of this Ministry. And a reduction of 64% and 71% compared with a diesel vehicles C and D segments.


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