Monday, July 20, 2015

Hackers disclose betrayals site information – Revista Saturday

Hackers disclose betrayals site information

computer Pirates threatened to reveal real names and the “sexual fantasies” of millions of users

• 13:46

site Ashley Madison, which facilitates betrayals among married couples, was the target of a computer attack. In a manifesto, the hacking threatened the company that would disclose the profiles and records of about 37 million users of the site, including their real names and the “sexual fantasies” if multiple company sites were not eliminated.

If Assigning as the The Impact Team, the hacking (or hacking ) released some information online site . In addition to the information about users, attackers gained access to financial records and data on the salaries of Avid Life Media employees, the owner of Ashley Madison

In the manifesto, The Impact Team indicated that the attack was retaliation for Full Delete option, which causes the site Ashley Madison delete all information from users in exchange for $ 19 (about 18 euros). “The Full Delete grossed nearly 1.7 million dollars (1.6 million euros) for ALM in 2014. And it’s a big lie Users often pay by credit card;. And purchase details are not removed as is promised, “indicates the site Mashable, citing the manifesto of hacking .

However, the Ashley Madison removed the information published by hackers on the Internet and is investigating the incident. The president of Avid Life Media, Noel Biderman said: “We’re about to find out who we believe to be the culprit was certainly a person of the company, which is not an employee but certainly handled our technical services..”

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