Friday, July 24, 2015

NASA reveals twin planet to Earth – Daily News – Lisbon

A year has 385 days, the temperature is ideal for the existence of liquid water, and the light comes from a very similar star to the sun. But this planet so similar to Earth is 1400 light years away, in the Swan constellation. It’s Kepler 452b, and it was revealed on Thursday by NASA to the mission of the Kepler telescope, which seeks to Earth-like planets outside our solar system.

The new planet is much like the Earth but it is higher – is about five times the mass of our planet, and its equator is larger by about 60 percent. It is also the oldest: the Kepler 452b has another six billion years of the planet where we live

But it has many similarities with the Earth, including the fact that it is in what is known. as the “habitable zone” of its star, the area where the surface temperature of the planet allows that there is liquid water. According to the Earth experience, liquid water is a key element in the emergence of life, reason that justifies the importance given to this detail.

 Figure shows a comparison between the new planet, Kepler exoplanet 186f, and the four rocky planets of our solar system and its location in the habitable zones of their stars.

diagram shows a comparison between the new planet the exoplanet Kepler 186f, and the four rocky planets of our solar system and its location in the habitable zones of their stars.
       Photograph © NASA / JPL

The Kepler telescope is dedicated to the search for exoplanets that are in the

habitable zone of their stars, and the Kepler 452b is a twelve to be presented today, of which is the first to be confirmed, and the only one to be discovered in the habitable zone of a star the same class as the sun, according to NASA announced today at a conference and in a statement.


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