Friday, July 24, 2015

Inspector General of ASAE says that if VIP list is subject “completely closed” – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

Inspector General of ASAE says that if VIP list is subject “completely closed”

The inspector general of the Food and Economic Safety Authority ( ASAE), Portugal Pedro Gaspar said today in Évora, which, for you, is a matter “completely closed” the case of the alleged’lista VIP`, the Ministry of Economy concluded “does not exist”.

“I’ve watched all the statements that I have to give on this matter,” said the head of the ASAE, when asked by reporters about complaints that the union denounced the case of not having access to the investigation.

According to the edition of Friday the i newspaper, the union complains that the Ministry of Economy does not show the survey, although the inspectors have asked your query right from the day that the conclusions were made public.

“Here is an example of a fair trial”, told the union president, Amaral of Albuquerque.

The general inspector of ASAE, which today traveled to Evora to present the operating activities of the body in the first half of this year, said that for him, “is a completely done deal”.

“On that matter, already pay statements survey of headquarters “and in Parliament” and therefore do not have another word to say about it, “merely stating Pedro Gaspar Portugal.

On the 15th of this month, the General Secretariat of Ministry of Economy concluded that “there is no VIP list” in the ASAE or “is used any instrument involving different treatment in the activities” of the economic inspection.

The findings are contained in an investigation launched by Minister

Economics, after the Trade Union Association of Employees of ASAE (ASF-ASAE) has denounced in June situations where inspectors were forbidden to supervise certain economic agents and that the brigades were ordered to leave the sites that were to be inspected.


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