Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Quidgest accuses University of Lisbon irregularities in software competition – Examination Information

The Quidgest filed an injunction in order to suspend the result of a software selection contest of financial management and human resources carried out by the Regents of the University of Lisbon. Despite the injunction, the Dean managed to avoid the suspension of the contract by invoking the potential losses to the University of Lisbon. The competition, which is estimated at more than two million euros, was won by a proposal that combines SAP software and implementation in charge of Novabase.

João Paulo Carvalho, head of Quidgest, does not conform to the outcome of the competition, and presents several examples of alleged wrongdoing: “The date of the preliminary report has a date on the cover, other than on the second page, and yet a third different on the remaining pages, and all these pages are signed by the members of the jury although there appear the year 2014 and we know that the report was written in 2015 “; «Arrived us to give a score of zero, which corresponds to something non-existent, a thing that already provide dozens of pages of information”; “Attributed to Quidgest lower scores than the winning bid despite our making available more than double the hours of work”; «Guarantee the maintenance of the solutions for 24 months but had a score lower than the winning bid only disponibilizava 18 months.”

Regarding the content, all these statements collected by Exame Informatica are in line with charges that Quidgest announced today in a statement:. “there is strong evidence favoring the winning company and the proposed management system, which is imported”

Respondent by Lusa, António Cruz Serra, president of the University Lisbon, rejects accusations of Quidgest and reiterates that all tender and respective software vendor selection process management and human resources “ran terms in full compliance with the law and with the utmost transparency ‘. The case was referred to the Court of Auditors, as a follow up to what the law stipulates, also recalled the dean

The justifications of the Rectory of Lisbon Univsersidade not demovem the Quidgest of its investee justice:. The company It considers that the requirements and criteria of the tender specifications and tender documents have been prepared in order to ensure the elimination of competitors and potential competitors and argues further that the marks awarded will have benefited from the successful bid.

In addition to claiming “facilities” provided by the Selection

Board and to ensure that the winner had “the most onerous financial proposal”, the Quidgest considers that the winning proposal will not be to meet the deadlines set by COMPETE funds, which sharers investment ( the financing of the COMPETE requires that the solution is still implemented in 2015, but the winning bid should only have a pilot solution running on end of 2016, refers to Quidgest).

The outcome of the selection contest of the University of Lisbon software left Quidgest in the role of “double loser.” Besides not having won the competition, the company ceases to provide solutions to 14 of the 21 units of the University of Lisbon that were added in the contest.

João Paulo Carvalho says the ailing competition “many misleading situations and many inconceivable errors “and holds out hope that the Administrative Court of Lisbon Circle eventually give reason to Quidgest and force the University of Lisbon to make new contest, despite considering that the solution that has been used to date meets the requirements, “there was no technological need that big to justify the University of Lisbon to launch this contest»



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