After nearly two weeks of application to higher education for well over 10 000 candidates than in the same period 2014, with 35 123 applications to the Directorate-General for Education Superior (Higher Education Department), delivered by the end of Thursday.
about a week the deadline for applications for the first phase of the national competition for access to higher education, the number of candidates is has about seven thousand total applications registered in 2014, when 42,455 students competed to higher education at this stage.
In comparison to the same period, the number of applications this year is higher by almost 10,000 records : in 11 days have applied this year 35,123 students, from 25,426 in 2014
The first phase of access to higher education took off on 20 July with 50,555 places available to 1,048 courses in public universities and polytechnics. , starting with the submission of applications through the portal of DGES.
The application process runs until August 7, and the tender results will be released a month later, to September 7, the portal the DGES.
According to the data provided by the Higher Education Department, this year there are 265 fewer vacancies in public higher education in the first phase of the national access competition, face to 50,820 in 2014, a reduction in percentage terms lower 1%.
The number of openings for access to public higher education is in decline since 2012, after in 2011, having reached a peak supply with 53,500 vacancies put to tender.
The fall in the number of vacancies has been accompanied by the fall in the number of candidates, a trend which only showed signs of reversing last year, the first since 2008 to record an increase in applications with 42,455 students trying to access .
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