Friday, July 17, 2015

Weekend with clear skies and temperatures between 20 and 35 degrees – SIC News

The meteorologist Portuguese Institute Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA) explained that, despite being provided showers for today in some regions of the country, the weekend will be marked by clear skies and maximum temperatures that can reach 35 degrees in some places.

“For now we will have periods of cloudy sky with possibility of showers that can happen throughout the interior of the territory, can not be excluded showers further south and on the coast, reaching Lisbon. This may happen on Saturday, but the probability is lower, “he told Lusa Manuel Mendes agency.

According to the meteorologist IPMA on Sunday there is no longer any indication of rainfall.

“With regard to temperatures, have been falling in the last two days remaining from today between 20 and 30 degrees on the west coast and between 30 and 35 inside,” he said.

The meteorologist Manuel Mendes also indicated that, for Saturday and Sunday, the weather will improve the relative this day, with clear skies and is expected only some cloudiness in the northern region to the middle in the morning.

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