The open contest from the University of Lisbon, for the acquisition of software, may end in court. One of the competitors tried to suspend the process to have found “irregularities”. The contest went ahead and Quidgest denounces “favoritism clues to the winning company.” The rectory denies the charges
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The financial management software selection contest and human resources, open the University of Rectory Lisbon, must end in court.
One of the competitors in Quidgest, denounced the “evidence favoring the winning company” that already after filing an injunction to suspend the process .
However, the Dean invoked the potential losses and the tender, budgeted at more than two million euros, went ahead with Novabase out winner.
For Quidgest, which issued a statement signed by John Paul Carvalho, “there is strong evidence favoring the winning company and the proposed management system, which is imported”
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The company also presented a list of alleged irregularities: “The date of the preliminary report has a date on the cover, other than on the second page, and yet a third different on the remaining pages, and all these pages are signed by the members of the jury, despite there included the year 2014 and we know that the report was written in 2015; came to give us a score of zero, which corresponds to something non-existent, a thing that we have supplied dozens of pages of information; Quidgest attributed to lower scores than the winning bid despite our making available more than double the hours of work; guarantee the maintenance of the solutions for 24 months but had a score lower than the winning bid only disponibilizava 18 months “
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According to the company, the requirements and criteria of the tender specifications and tender documents are designed to determine the elimination of certain potential
The winner turned out to be the competitor who presented “the financial offers more onerous” and that, according to the Quidgest, is unable to meet the deadlines set by European funding for the program.
The rector of the University of Lisbon, António Cruz Serra, rejected the accusations, explaining Lusa that the whole contest “ran terms in full compliance with the law and with the utmost transparency.”
According to João Paulo Carvalho, the company will proceed with a lawsuit at the Administrative Court of the District Lisboa, challenging the “many misleading situations and many inconceivable errors” which alleged to have taken place in the competition.
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