Thursday, July 16, 2015

Apritel: Complaints in Deco correspond to 0.07% of service … – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

Apritel: Complaints in Deco correspond to 0.07% of telecommunications services

The association representing telecommunications operators noted “with satisfaction” a 17% reduction in complaints against the sector reported by Deco in the first half of the year. And stresses that the number of complaints corresponds to 0.07% of the total services provided by the sector in Portugal.

The Portuguese association of telecommunications operators (Apritel) registers ” with great satisfaction a reduction of 17% in complaints against reported by Deco sector, “he said in a statement entity.

This reduction corresponds to the difference of 25 614 complaints registered in the first half of 2014 to 21,274 in the first six months of this year, supports the Apritel.

In addition, by comparing the total number of complaints to the number of services rendered (30,400,000 seconds the data from Anacom), complaints correspond “at a rate of 0.07%. Less than one-tenth, “underlines the association, adding that” the volume of complaints in the sector must be placed in its proper context and properly framed with the number of services provided by operators to their customers. “

For the entity, represented by Daniela Anthony, these figures “confirm the continuing effort of the electronic communications sector to keep Portugal among the countries with the best in the world electronic communications services at extremely competitive prices and with a high level of customer satisfaction by part, as can be proven by several independent surveys in this area. “

The Consumer Markets Scoreboard, independent study sponsored by Eueropeia Union which aims to assess the level of customer confidence with sector services in many markets, it is one of the examples highlighted by Apritel in the same statement.

According to the findings of that study, “the Portuguese confidence levels with electronic communications services are generally higher than those of such reputed markets as Finland, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Italy. In the mobile service, for example, the confidence of the Portuguese is still higher than the confidence of UK consumers and all those countries mentioned above. “

While considering this trend in the number of satisfactory complaints, Apritel stresses that, together with all operators in the sector, “continue to work actively not only to improve care, clarification and satisfaction Portuguese consumers, but obviously also the quality of networks and services, price competitiveness and constant innovation, continuing to make Portugal one of the best performing markets in Europe. “


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