Friday, September 11, 2015

Net shoots crimes of sexual blackmail – Correio da Manhã

Victims pay for criminals do not share sexual images.

Have you ever shared intimate photos on the Internet?

Seduced on the internet, start virtual relationships, send photos and images in intimate poses, and end blackmailed by the person at the lado.Muitos pay 100, 200, 500 euros, all so that images are not released from friends and family. Criminals are hidden in fake social networking profiles in accounts registered abroad. A crime that is increasing in Portugal. The Judicial Police, alarmed, yesterday appealed to warn the unwary.

“In the last three to four months there was a significant increase in cases. Only in the Lisbon area had about 50 new complaints. We are investigating, but it is not an easy crime to unravel,” he told CM Carlos Goatherd, coordinator of computer crimes section of the Criminal Police

The victims -. much men and some minor – turn out to be hostage to ‘Sextortion’ name (which joins sex with extortion) given the phenomenon. It’s just that if they decide to pay, the chances are it is asked for more money. “It all starts on social networks, where it gains the trust of the victims. After end up making a video link in less own situations. These images are then used in blackmail,” said the head of the PJ, which is said concerned about the phenomenon . “It’s a crime originating in Portugal but also abroad. Therefore, international cooperation is very important. It is a crime with many features and that often comes from countries where cooperation is very little,” he said.

This criminal action involves the wanton killings of privacy and extortion. The Judicial warning people not to share images with intimate exposure and sexual function.

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