Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Facebook creator admits he is planning a button “do not like” – Daily News – Lisbon

Facebook is expected to have (finally) a button “do not like”. The creator of the most widely used social network in the world took it for the first time on Tuesday at a conference at company headquarters.

“I think people have been asking since several years ago about the button ‘do not like’. Today is a special day because I can say that we are working on it and preparing to launch, “said Mark Zuckerberg, quoted by Business Insider.

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg
       Photography © EPA / PETER DaSilva

The creator of Facebook explained why razãoa your social network does function: he wanted to avoid a system similar to Reddit – another social network but where the scribblings have almost no limitations on what can publish. – that has a system of positive and negative votes

“It was not what we wanted to build the world,” Zuckerberg said. But now recognizes that “what we want is to create the ability to express empathy. [And] not all times are good


It was not reported however a date for the launch of new functionality.


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