Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New iPhone hit record sales of Apple – TVI24

Apple already broke sales records with the new iPone 6s and 6s Plus. In the first three days on the market, the giant of mobile phones sold over 13 million units. The new smartphones from Apple went on sale last Friday and did not take long to form queues at the doors of shops.

When launched 6 and 6 Plus, Apple had sold in the first days about 10 million sets.

“Sales of the iPhone and iPhone 6s 6s Plus have been phenomenal, knocking any results in the first sales weekend of any other Apple device,” said the boss of the company, Tim cook.

“The feedback from clients has been fantastic (…) and we can not wait to put the iPhone and iPhone 6s 6s Plus on sale in most countries since the October 9,” he added.

On 9 October, the new iPone reaches over 40 countries and must be in 130 markets by year’s end.

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