Saturday, September 19, 2015

Began Maker Faire, the largest fair of national Makers – Pplware

The largest fair Makers of our country began today in the evening. They will be three intense days when the Portuguese inventors present their works.

Know what today by here happened and see what exciting that Maker Faire has for the next days.


As last year, the opening of Maker Faire It was made with all the pomp and circumstance. The presence of sponsors showed the commitment they have to bring to Portugal this fair that every year grows and becomes more interesting.

After the show of Tumbalá, took the stage the Pavilion of the President of knowledge, Live Science Centre, Rosalia Vargas, councilor of the Economy, Innovation and Modernization of the Lisbon City Hall , Graça Fonseca, Sabrina Blackbird, the Director of Maker Faire program internationally and the well-known Celso Martinho, the mastermind of Lisbon Maker Faire.

After presented the Maker Faire this year, by the words of everyone present, was formally opened at the touch gong .


The Makers gifts spread across two floors of the Knowledge Pavilion, accessible to all visitors that want to know.

Quite apart from being a static display, the Maker Faire allows that there is a very large interaction between the public and creators.

This proximity allows quickly is experiencing a robot or print a piece in 3D.

There are many gifts and good projects. Ranging from the ever-present and ubiquitous 3D printers to robots remotely controlled or in a tablet or by voice.

But if your preference is for virtual reality, then the Maker Faire has

proposed to you. There are drones who are thus controlled and also the traditional immersive games, here come a more interesting reality.

In addition to all these attractions will also be workshops and various presentations, with topics that are of interest to all .

If today did not have time to come to know the Makers are present do not worry. The Maker Faire will last until Sunday, all with attractive expected this event.

It is to be a success and just let the first day. The next two will continue for sure with this pace and with this quality.

Do not miss this opportunity and come see the Makers Faire!


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