Sunday, September 27, 2015

AmpMe: Application synchronize music between smartphones – Geek

The application AmpMe is a tool that makes a unlimited smartphone stay synchronized and touch the same song . He does not use Bluetooth or Wi-Fi , but a “sound impression” that is captured by devices that have the app. After the capture, just start the song and it will be at the same time the cell of origin.

During the promotional video of the application , you can see different situations where he can work. Gatherings of friends, a party where the speaker broke in a location where no energy to turn on a radio … The options are numerous. Since the connection of people is unlimited, it is possible that 300 people to play music at the same time, each in its smartphone , creating a mega speaker.

By the time the application only works with music from Soundcloud , site of songs, but the developer team is in contact with streaming services to increase the chances of users. It is available for iOS and Android , unlike Samsung’s exclusive service, the Samsung Group Player .

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