Wednesday, September 23, 2015

YouTube Red may be the new name of YouTube Music Key – Portal Technology


On the

YouTube Music Key

Although Google already have a streaming music, YouTube found that there was room for a similar service, but added the video. With a big name, you may be preparing a friendlier name.

YouTube Music Key is not different from what we know, streaming music services like Spotify that through a monthly subscription allows us access to songs and listen to them anywhere, and on your smartphone or computer and being or not connected to the Internet.

But YouTube innovates, since it intends to combine video to this service, it was not YouTube the largest online video platform, playlists offline and always without advertising. The price is also equal, although at this early stage only be accessible by invitation and € 7.99, however when leaving Beta will cost € 9.90, which was similar to competition.

However Android

Police found reference to YouTube Red name, can be a new service of the company, but as is related to YouTube, the site itself believes it will be a change of brand, so the service let the Beta version.

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