Friday, September 25, 2015

Apple criticized due to conditions in the factories – Correio da Manhã

On the launch of the new iPhone.

A workers’ rights advocacy group marked the launch of the new iPhone with a report accusing one of the Chinese suppliers Apple exploring factory workers.

The organization Students and Scholars Against Corporate misbehavior (Students and Scholars Against Bad Business Conduct, SACOM in the English acronym), based in Hong Kong, says the Lens Technology, which manufactures touch screens, resorted to overtime forced, the withholding of wages and risked the health of workers after an investigation of several months to three of its plants.

> The founder of the company, Zhou Qunfei, became the richest woman in China after the Lens Technology have entered the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in March.

On the day the iPhone 6s went on sale, including in Hong Kong, Japan and mainland China, SACOM urged Apple to “take immediate measures to stop exploitation in their supply chain.”

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