Hackers are using dozens of popular applications in the App Store, the software shop for mobile and tablets from Apple, to steal user data.
For this, they were able to insert malicious programming code in these applications
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The scheme originated in China and, to date, most of the victims of this attack are apparently the Asian country.
You see then how this theft data and what to do to protect yourself:
How did you put the code in these apps
Being very, very sneaky: instead of attacking applications individual, who created the code could insert it into a version of the program used to make applications for phones and tablets from Apple, called Xcode.
Many developers and companies used the Xcode because he was falling more quickly in China than the official version of Apple
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The problem is restricted China?
No, but the vast majority of applications that contain malicious code are made to China or are versions of customized programs for the region.
However, new analyzes are showing that some apps used widely outside of China were also affected
The list is growing, and so far, at least 50 applications have been compromised
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What this malicious code do?
He can gain access to the unique identification number of a mobile phone or tablet and other information about the device and who is using it.
It also allows the hacker to communicate with the device and send false alerts and redirect the navigation to certain pages.
How to know if I’m vulnerable?
Check the list of compromised applications know that you are using an affected version and, if applicable, uninstall the program.
Look in the program’s developer site for information on obtaining a secure version.
Stand eye on possible foreign alerts and if you are being redirected to other sites while browsing.
It may also be worth changing your password iCloud, the storage cloud service from Apple, and others who have set up or used via mobile phone or tablet. Do this through another computer, not on the device that may be vulnerable.
Also be careful when installing new programs. Digital security companies who warn if a person or group could do it, others can do also. So most of App Store programs can be compromised
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Who is behind the attack?
It is not known. Specialized hackers to create malicious code for mobile phones and tablets are especially active in China, where there have been many attacks on unlocked phones.
Also it is the largest
But this attack differs from other crimes of the type for several reasons.
The first is because of its scale. Having millions of victims could mean a big pain management head to any hacker who wants to cash in on the stolen data.
Most of these attacks tend to focus on smaller groups to have access to a set of information more easy to manage.
Second, who does these malicious codes prefers not to draw attention. It is preferable that the data theft occurs discreetly over weeks or months.
Since this attack had a major impact. As a result, many people are aware and alert to the code created by hackers.
Finally, a compromised version of Xcode was posted on GitHub, a site where software developers share code so that others can USA- them, update them or change them.
This is strange, because who manufactures these malicious codes often do not share their creations.
A text published with the code calls for “excuses by caused problems, “which leaves the question whether the case was intentional or an accident
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Why do you do this?
Money. Most phones are connected to a system to make payments, then the criminals look for ways to gain access to it to bill.
It also means that many attacks on cellular target people from the same country of hacker .
What we know about Chinese hackers?
Just like any country today, China has a bustling economy of cybercrime in which hackers create malicious code are especially active.
In addition, many groups from outside the country invade Chinese machinery to use them in their attacks and thus make it more difficult to be found.
China also has many groups of hackers operating at the behest of the state. They perform all sorts of attacks beyond the country’s borders.
China denies involvement in these crimes, but the Chinese state apparatus scale to oversee the internet makes those many people do not believe that these groups can operate without at least a tacit endorsement of the government
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