The judgment of the Lisbon Relationship allowing José Sócrates lawyers access finally the whole process in which the former prime minister is accused contains harsh criticism not only to researchers led by Rosario Teixeira attorney, but also investigating judge Carlos Alexandre, who has made possible the requests of the prosecution intended to keep the case secret justice,
“Or there are plausible reasons of law that deal with the investigation (…) or does not make any sense” maintain the confidentiality write the judges Rui Rangel and Francisco Caramelo, “being illegal open this ‘highway’ of a secret without rules and without ‘toll’. ” For judges, even more serious is the fact that this “‘motorway’ secret without rules” have “passed without any censorship by the investigating judge, deprotecting in a serious way the concerns and accused the defense guarantees – which, oped so long investigation, since 2013, continues to be confronted, as it should, with the facts and the evidence against him “.
Later, in another parts of the judgment that the PUBLIC had access, you can read that “nothing justifies an investigation that began in 2013 has remained whole secret in time” and criticize yourself justifications “generic, vague and indeterminate” used by prosecutors to keep the secret. Both the request made by prosecutors not to be lifted the secrecy of justice such as Carlos Alexandre that order allowing such a claim “did not meet the legal dictates, because apart that they are not justified based on a wrong assumption that breaks the law and principles general law “. After all, says Rui Rangel and Francisco Caramel, secrecy can not serve as “a weapon in the service of ignorance and unknown.”
And mourn although in Portugal there are no major requirements of legal robustness
“Our criminal process has to be democratic not only in its principles but especially in the constant exercise of their practice, “he warns. To conclude with a quote from Father Antonio Vieira, “Who raises a lot of hunting and follows no, it is not much you collect empty”
José Socrates was detained for close to a year for clues of. crimes of qualified tax fraud, money laundering and bribery. Is now under house arrest and obtained on Thursday a “victory” judicial, seeing the Court of Appeal decreed the end of the internal justice secret, which allows means that the nine defendants and assistants will be able to see all the elements gathered by the investigation since the beginning of the survey.
Lawyers for Jose Socrates claim that this decision requires the release of José Sócrates, which will apply as early as this Friday.
Several judges heard by PUBLIC think, however, that misinterpretation, stressing that the ratio of the decision will only affect any refusal to requests for inspecting the file a directly related field with secrecy and not the rest of the proceedings. Mariana Oliveira
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