The last three days were special for all Makers. The Maker Faire Lisbon brought to Knowledge Pavilion. – Ciência Viva interesting projects and with all the potential to be success stories
But these three days now come to an end, paving the way for next year the Maker Faire be repeated with even more success.
During three days the Pavilion of Knowledge. – Ciência Viva received all close to 14 000 visitors who were at the Maker Faire Lisbon
Spread over two floors and in different spaces, each of these Makers had the opportunity to show their projects and all that they have done differently.
The Maker spirit was reflected not only in showing, and that in many cases could be experienced, but also in sympathy and availability they had to exchange views with the public.
To reward participation, the organization awarded prizes in different categories, some Makers. A list of these winners can be found below.
Maker Faire Winners Lisbon
Science – Offer inMotion
ION Thruster
1 Arduino Physical Computing Kit – Starter Edition
1 Cubieboard 2 with case
1 Arduino GSM Shield (with antenna connector)
1 PcDuino
Design & amp; Arts
INKY – inMotion Offer
1 Intel Galileo
1 PcDuino
1 Arduino Physical Computing Kit – Starter Edition
1 Arduino GSM Shield (integrated antenna)
Módulos and wood – inMotion Offer
1 Cubieboard 3 with case
1 Arduino GSM Shield (integrated antenna)
1 Arduino GSM Shield (with antenna connector)
1 Intel Galileo
Digital Fabrication
Open Source Furniture – inMotion Offer
1 Arduino GSM Shield (integrated antenna)
1 Arduino GSM Shield (with antenna connector)
1 Intel Galileo
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Energy & amp; Recycle
EnergyOT – Offer inMotion and Bitalino
1 Cubieboard 3 with case
1 Bitalino Kit
1 Intel Galileo
1 Arduino GSM Shield (integrated antenna)
Escola S. Gonçalo – HRC offer
1 Cubieboard 2 with case
1 BQ Prusa i3 Hephestos
Hypercubes – InMotion Offer (already assigned)
1 Cubieboard 3 with case
1 Arduino GSM Shield (with antenna connector)
1 PcDuino
Surfboard Guy – inMotion offer
1 Arduino GSM Shield (integrated antenna)
1 Bitalino Kit
1 Intel Galileo
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Young Maker
Sensi Guitar – inMotion and Bitalino offer
1 Bitalino Kit
1 Arduino Physical Computing Kit – Starter Edition
1 Cubieboard 3 with case
1 Arduino GSM Shield (with antenna connector)
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Academy Award – Offer BeeVeryCreative
Hackerschool IST
1 printer 3D kit (helloBEEprusa) ———
AKI offered three drills to the
Ars Lux Laser Harp
Energy oT
Institute Robotics
Of the many gifts projects, some stood out for its originality and degree of innovation. There were many who fall into this category, but we highlight now three of them.
The ÉvoraTech was present in this issue with his chessboard, but this is not a game any.
With the micro computer Raspeberry Pi, these Makers created a voice recognition system where given orders to a microphone are recognized and translated into movement commands.
After the received command, the command is given for action to both engines, which perform the movement of the chess piece to the target house.
The Mini Ewaste brought us a small 3D printer, which is characterized by its components from recycling computer components, such as floppy disk reader 5 “1/4 where the engines were removed, sources power to the power supply, among others.
This project demonstrates that it is possible to be part of the Maker movement, without neglecting environmental preservation.
Finally, we bring the project Sensi Guitar . This guitar is nothing more and nothing less than a built-in synthesizer to the instrument.
The Maker built both the body of the guitar, such as electronic component that it incorporated.
The whole idea simplified control and compositional effects in each musical experience.
Continuing with what was begun last year, this year’s Maker Faire Lisbon again exceeded all expectations, both in terms of Makers projects and present, but also in visitors.
There were three days of knowledge sharing and a lot of technology. The Makers showed, once again, that can create projects that go far beyond what would be expected, showing its originality and inventiveness vein
The Frog, the Knowledge Pavilion -. Science Viva and the Municipal Council of Lisbon are to be congratulated for once again having arranged a successful Maker Faire.
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