Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Change in the terms of use AVG Anti-Virus cause controversy – Globo.com

AVG AntiVirus has decided to modify the terms of use and privacy policy for its free antivirus. In the new version, which will be released on October 15, the company claims it can sell navigation data, search the Internet and other anonymous information to advertisers and advertising agencies. The change caused much controversy

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The AVG released an initial explanatory note, in which it states that only became the language of the document clearer and no fine print. “In creating our new political format, we decided that our customers should have the option to choose to participate or not our anonymous data collection program,” he explains. However, the news was not received by users. On the web, there was a barrage of criticism, although the data sold not identify users as AVG claims.

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The company says all that is collected will be anonymous and no information can be traced. “We guarantee that no data sharing will take place without the consent of our users,” says.

Continue to use is to accept

When you continue using the free products of the developer, users are consenting to the collection of anonymous data and the new policy. To avoid this, you must configure the antivirus.

Later in the AVG blog, the CEO of antivirus manufacturer, Gary Kovacs commented on the controversy. As the text of the executive, the proposal is sincere, unlike the competition which hides information

See the statement of the AVG, in full:.

“We have introduced a privacy policy on a single page and easy read that provides our customers with the information they need, rather than a long document, written in legal form and difficult to understand.

Our CEO, Gary Kovacs announced at Mobile World Congress that AVG was developing a clear and simple version of its privacy policy to its users, and challenged the industry to do the same .

The new privacy policy will not be in force until the 15th of October. We launched a month before it becomes effective for our users have time to make any comment they find necessary.

In creating this new format, we decided that our customers should have the ability to choose whether they want to or not join our collection of

anonymous data program.

We are currently adding this to some of our free products, and we can confirm that no data sharing will happen until our customers are able to make this choice.

Most software products and sites collect usage data.

use data allow customization of the customer experience and third with data sharing that assist in the improvement and development of new products.

To know that 10 million users like a certain TV program provides broadcasters the data so that producers do more such programs. It is in this way also that the taxi companies know how to distribute their fleets; and how advertisers know where to place banners and billboards, for example. Even in AVG, publish non-personal information we collect in relation to application performance.

We do not sell, and we will not sell personal information to anyone, including advertisers.

AVG has continuously challenged the industry to simplify their privacy policies and provide an informative view on a single page. We are proud of our new privacy policy and intend to continue our efforts for more transparency and greater choice of the user. “

Via AVG Blog


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