Friday, September 25, 2015

Tooth enamel is fish heritage, supports study – Digital Journal

 The enamel of our teeth comes from fish scales, according to a study published in the British journal Nature.

The enamel is a dental tissue present only in vertebrates. . But ganoína, similar to the enamel tissue, is present on the scales of numerous fossil fish and some primitive fish that live today

But which came first, the ganoína or enamel? To answer this question, invetsigadores the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and the Paleontology Institute of Vertebrate and Palaeontology (IVPP) in Beijing, evaluated data from two very different fields of research:. Paleontology and genomics

Genetic study Lépisostés (Lepisosteus), a rare still live fish that have ganoína revealed the presence of two of the three genes encoding the proteins of enamel. “This allows us to conclude that the ganoína is a type of enamel,” said Per Ahlberg, from Uppsala University.

On the other hand, the scientists studied two fossil fish, Psarolepis and the Andreolepis with more than 400 million years ago, and found the presence of enamel on their scales. But not in their teeth

Resulto:.. Originally, the enamel was present on the body surface, but not the teeth

“The enamel, which for us is synonymous with dental tissue it is not originated in the teeth ‘guarantees Ahlberg. “This evolved over the body surface of vertebrates probably their scales, and colonized teeth much later. ‘

This study reports that other primitive fish analysis will be needed to confirm the time and the mechanism which allowed to colonize the teeth enamel



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